Keeping children entertained during lockdown

Keeping children entertained during lockdown

Keeping children entertained during lockdown

It is not the norm to go out now. With lockdown and social distancing, we are all confined to the four walls at home. All the uncertainty around us is concerning and unsettling for adults. But in the magical world of little ones, making a mess on the living room floor is the most important task. Despite the empty streets outside and the disturbing headlines on our gadgets, let’s make time to zoom in on our babies and just watch…

Watching a baby learn about the world through play is one of the simplest purest joys of life. During these difficult times, keeping the little ones engaged while supporting them to follow their daily routine and learn new skills requires some creative ideas such as these:

Set up a home-school area

Just as many of us have to adjust working from home, children also need a space they can use. It is important for younger children to have the space to move around freely and have access to resources easily. This might mean moving things around a little so children can easily access what they need independently.

Create a daily routine

Children are used to following a routine at nursery. Continuing that routine will help them to stay focused. Following steps can help set a routine:

  1. Set up blocks of time during the day for various activities
  2. Start the day by communicating the daily plan
  3. Next day’s routine could be part of the bed time story so that the children look forward to it
  4. Children are usually excited to show their work to loved ones and teachers. Filming their activities will encourage them. We encourage parents to send photos in to keep the home-nursery relationship.

Throughout this uncertain time, Twinkle is offering free access to their website for parents. They have lots of free downloads to help with creating a routine at home.


When you can’t go outside, books are a great escape. Reading stimulates children’s imagination and helps develop language and listening skills. Set up a cosy corner somewhere in the house where books are available and accessible for children to read independently or with adults. Having puppets or dolls available can act as great props for children to enact the story afterwards.

Basic life skills

With many parents multi-tasking work and childcare currently, having children help around the home will ease the load a little as well as teaching basic life skills. Choose age appropriate tasks and get them involved to help with around the house. Make it fun and children will enjoy helping. Setting up a reward system for their efforts is always a great motivation for them to continue.

Pinterest has some really simple ideas for reward charts and chore lists which are easy to make at home.

Get creative

Children love being active. Being creative is a great way to keep children engaged. Build dens using readily available items such as chairs, blankets, cushions and clothes racks. Get active by learning new dances to favourite songs or find some recyclable materials around the house such as cardboard boxes and enjoy hours of fun with your child discovering what you can make.

A great website below giving easy step by step instructions on how to make a car out of a cardboard box.

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